ebon affects 2.0


👑good morning queens, i saw my therapist a few days ago. we talked a lot about negative energy and how it affects me emotionally, mentally, and physically. things i know, yet somehow forget like feathers taken by a gust of wind. what is bothering me? what is holding me, pinning me? what is it in my life that constricts any progress i attempt to make at a successful, happy life.


the enemy of all; young and old. fear does not discriminate, but it does target happiness and contort it in a way it that makes you want to cling to your blanket and turn on the flashlight on your phone. well, for me anyways.

my fear has always and still is moving forward. why? because it’s a change i cannot foresee, control. much like time. but holding on to the present is depressing me more than I ever been in my life because i know what’s eating me is my own frivolous demons.

so, queens, i closed my eyes and jumped in the abyss with my heart beating hard in my ears. ebon affect is my baby, my work. and though I fear the failures that comes with trying to establish myself, i’m not stepping back.

🌼which brings me to today’s update. as i promised i bring to you reinvented quotes to uplift and inspire originality, self-discovery, and self-awareness for all my queens👑

i love my kings, but let’s face it, ebon affects is quite feminine. wouldn’t you agree?




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